敬前贤 发表于 2010-4-7 22:14



In order to promote vegetarianism
and hope that more and more people can enjoy vegetarian food, and
thus cut down the meat consumption and the chances of killing, or
even stop eating meat and killing, a Vegetarian column is now added
in this blog.

The works to be presented in this
column are all original from the person maintaining this blog. The
contents in this column therefore do not represent Master Chuan
Xi’s point of view.

You are most welcomed to reprint
works presented here, but please include a quotation with the
reprint: Master Chuan Xi's Blog
Many thanks for your

将此深心奉尘刹 -
The Pentuple
Gems for Buddha

‘清’是因为这道菜没有用任何酱料,所以芡色清亮; ‘鲜’是指味道鲜美;‘嫩’是因为有玉米,青豆和胡萝卜;‘滑’是因为用的是‘包心芡’-

The first dish to be presented is
one of my favourites. It is also a representive Cantonese dish
since it has the six typical features in Cantonese cuisine, which
are being light, delicious, delicate, smooth, crispy and fragrant.
It is light as no sauce is going to be used; it has a fresh taste
as there is a combination of different tasty vegetarian
ingredients; it is delicate as sweet corns, peas and carrots are
used; it is smooth as the sauce is thickened in a special way so
that all the ingredients are wrapped by the sauce without any
watery sauce on the plate; it is crispy as celery is used; it is
fragrant as pine nuts are used, and this dish is stir fried with a
strong heat.   

- 五宝供佛 "TITLE="将此深心奉尘刹 - 五宝供佛 " />

材料: 玉米粒, 青豆, 芹菜,胡萝卜,松子仁

Ingredients: Sweet corns, peas,
celery, carrot and pine nuts

调料: 盐, 味精 / 蔬菜精 /
蘑菇精,糖,麻油,植物油, 胡椒粉,淀粉

Seasonings : Salt, MSG / vegetable
powder / mushroom powder, sugar, sesame oil, sunflower oil (better
not to use vegetable oil), white pepper and corn
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