灰飞湮灭的夜精灵 发表于 2010-5-4 16:04




<DIV><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium"><SPAN><SPAN><SPAN style="COLOR: #999900"><B>PETA Announces Top Chef Challenge With $10,000 Prize</B></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></DIV>

<DIV><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: x-small"><B><FONT size=3>Filed under: </FONT></B></SPAN><B><FONT size=3><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: x-small"><FONT color=#698202>animals</FONT></SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: x-small">, </SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: x-small"><FONT color=#698202>contests</FONT></SPAN></FONT><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: x-small"><FONT size=3> — Michael Parrish DuDell @ 12:44 pm</FONT></SPAN></B></DIV>




<P><IMG title=geese1 height=279 alt=geese1 src="./attachments/Image/20105314315762677801.jpg" width=500 size-full=""></P>


<DIV>These days being a vegetarian is not only SUPER environmental-friendly, but SUPER easy! With delicious, healthier alternatives out there for just about everything you could imagine, living a cruelty-free life is a cinch. From faux-meats to soy cheese, vegans and vegetarians have a plethora of cruelty free options…but there is one item that has never been replicated.</DIV>


<DIV>Therefore, in the style of the hit Bravo television show <EM>Top Chef</EM>, <FONT color=#675437>PETA</FONT> is launching a contest to find a fine dining chef capable of making a vegan foie gras that’s indistinguishable in taste and texture from the real thing. The winner of the contest (which is only open to professional chefs) will win a $10,000 prize and two runners-up will each receive $1,000 worth of professional kitchen equipment.</DIV>


<DIV>So if you knowa professional chef that’s up for the challenge, visit <FONT color=#675437>PETA.org </FONT>and get all the details. Oh yeah, and please pack your knives and go. (I’ve always really wanted to say that.)</DIV>




<P> <IMG height=139 alt="" src="./attachments/Image/20105314315766477802.jpg" width=210></P>




<P>详明参考: <SPAN style="COLOR: #999900">PETA.org </SPAN></P>



<DIV>PETA---People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals</DIV>






唯琳 发表于 2010-5-7 00:09

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