<CENTER><IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 违法的第一步是邪念,二是轻视别人,三是傲慢,四是蛮横,五是慵懒,六是衔恨,七是眼露凶光。 </P>
《塔木德·德莱克艾列兹苏塔》6:2 </P>
The first step in transgression is evil thought,the second scoffing,the third pride,the fourth outrage,the fifth idleness,the sixth hatred,and the seventh an evil eye. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 人虽有过犯,却未必无望。 </P>
4:12 </P>
Although a sin has happened to any one,it is not necessary for him to become hopeless. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 罪之悔改,带来生命,怙恶不悛,归入死亡。 </P>
《赫马牧人书·寓言之八》 </P>
Repetance from sins bringeth life,but not to repent bringeth death. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 老实的原则是少说话多办事。 </P>
《巴哈依经典》159 </P>
The principle of faith is to lessen words and to increase deeds. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 来说是非者,便是是非人。 </P>
《无门关》18 </P>
Those who argue about right and wrong are those enslaved by right and wrong. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 真理就是永恒。 </P>
真理就是苦行。 </P>
真理创造万物。 </P>
真理维系了整个宇宙。 </P>
《摩诃婆罗多》12·190:1 </P>
Truth is eternal. </P>
Truth is suffering. </P>
Truth creates all things. </P>
Truth supports the whole universe. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 谁是富足的呢?是那满足自己命运的人。 </P>
《教父语录》4:1 </P>
Who is rich?He who is satisfyied with his lot. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 聪明强过人间任何一种财富。 </P>
《聪明之灵杂谈》47:6 </P>
Wisdom is better than the wealth of every kind which is in the world. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 聪明开始于你的诚心求教之时。 </P>
《所罗门智训》6:17 </P>
Wisdom begins when you sincerely want to learn. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 智者不博,博者不智。 </P>
《道德经》81 </P>
A sensible man is wiser than he knows,while a fool knows more than is wise. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 无知的人以愚妄为乐。 </P>
《箴言》15:21 </P>
Folly is a joy to him that lacks nuderstand-ing. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 知识有两种,一种来自经典,一种来自反思。 </P>
《毗湿奴往世书》6:5 </P>
Knowledge is of two kinds,that which is derived from scripture,and that which is de-rived from reflection. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 没有德行的聪明不可视为聪明;没有聪明的技能不可视为技能。 </P>
《聪明之灵杂说》11:4 </P>
Wisdom with which there is no goodness,is not to be considered as wisdom;and skill with which there is no wisdom,is not to be consid-ered as skill. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 一个人聪明而知足,就少有烦恼。 </P>
《聪明之灵杂说》34:4 </P>
To him who is a wise and contented man it is but little possible to bring disturbance. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 愚者沉浸在感官快乐里最终导致痛苦。 </P>
安逸而有罪的生活是疾病的原因。 </P>
《贾卜吉》2 </P>
The fool indulges in sensual pleasures which in the end lead to pain.Easy and sinful life is the cause of diseases. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 凡聪明多于善功的人,像什么?像一棵树,枝叶繁盛而根基甚浅,风一来就动摇而倒地。凡善功多于聪明的人,像什么?像一棵树,枝叶稀疏而根基繁茂;风来,却不能叫它动摇倒地。 </P>
《教父语录》3:27 </P>
Whosesoever wisdom is in excess of his works,to what is he like?To a tree whose branches are abundant,and its roots scanty;and the wind comes,and uproots it,and overturns it.And whosesoever works are in excess of his wis-dom,to what is he like?To a tree whose branches are scanty,and its roots abundant;though all the winds come upon it,they stir it not from its place. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 哪里劬劳有加,哪里收获愈多。 </P>
《依纳爵致波利卡普书》1:6 </P>
Where the labour is great,the gain is the more. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 耕种自己田地的,必得饱食,追随虚浮的,却是无知。 </P>
《箴言》12:11 </P>
He that tilleth his land shall be satisfyied with bread:but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 一个人所从事的职业,必须和他的年龄、智力、财产、谈吐、服饰、学识、家庭和活动能力相适合,要摆脱欺骗和不老实的羁绊。 </P>
《耶若婆法典》Ⅰ·5:123 </P>
A man must adopt a vocation appropriate to his age,intellect,means,ability in speaking,dress,learning,family and activity,a vocation free from crookedness and dishonesty. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 懒惰的人哪,你去察看蚂蚁的动作,就可得聪明。 </P>
《箴言》6:6 </P>
Go to the ant,you sluggard,consider her ways and be wise! </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 一日不作,一日不食。 </P>
《塔木德·贝尔希特拉巴赫》2:2 </P>
If I do not labor,I shall not eat. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 人若作工,便为有福。 </P>
《塔木德·德希林》23:3 </P>
If a man works,he is blessed. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 世界以此三者而存: </P>
真理、公平与和平。 </P>
《教父语录》1:18 </P>
The world is preserved by three things: </P>
Truth,justice,and peace. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 今世的生活,如同我从云中降下雨水,植物得雨,就蓬勃生长,既而零落,随风飘散。 </P>
《古兰经》18:45 </P>
This life is a crop watered from the rain,then it turns into hay,and gets blown away by the wind. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 因为我们没有带什么到世上来,也不能带去什么。 </P>
《提摩太前书》6:7 </P>
We brought nothing into the world,and we cannot take anything out of the world. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0>人生苦短…… </P>
一半用来睡眠;一些耗在不知忧愁的少年时代,另一半则耗在孤苦无助的老年时代;其余便在家庭生活或感官生活的些微愉悦中打滚了。 </P>
《薄伽梵往世书》5:7 </P>
Your days are like shadow,you will not prolong it,…… </P>
Half of your life you spend in sleep;part is wasted in youthful carelessness and another in the helplessness of old age;and the remaining balance is spent in wallowing in the trivial plea-sures of domestic or sensuous life. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 一宿虽然有哭泣,早晨便必欢呼。 </P>
《诗篇》30:5 </P>
Weeping may endure for a night;but joy cometh in the morning. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人。 </P>
《马太福音》7:12 </P>
All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you,do ye even so to them. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不可行恶人的路,不要走坏人的道。 </P>
《箴言》4:14 </P>
Enter not into the path of the wicked,and walk not in the way of bad men. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915642602.GIF" width=12 border=0> 财富、快乐、美德,尽在弹指之间。 </P>
《毗湿奴往世书》1:18 </P>
Wealth,pleasure,virtue,are things of littlee moment. </P></CENTER>
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