敬前贤 发表于 2010-11-21 20:13


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 富莫甚于体健,福莫甚过心宽。 </P>

《便西拉智训》30:16 </P>

There is no riches above a sound body, and no joy above the joy of the heart. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 得聪明、得聪明的,这人便为有福。 </P>

《箴言》3:13 </P>

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gets understanding. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 依靠自我,是真福乐。 </P>

《摩奴法典》4:160 </P>

True happiness consists in self-reliance. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 中心含善,即言即行, </P>

福乐自追,如影随形。 </P>

《法句经》9 </P>

If a man speaks or acts with a pure mind, joy follows with him as his own shadow. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 如追求幸福,为人要完全知足,清心寡欲,因为知足为幸福之源,反之则为不幸之源。 </P>

《摩奴法典》4:12 </P>

He who desires happiness must strive after a perfectly conteted disposition and control himself; for happiness has contentment for its root, the root of unhappiness is the contrary disposition. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 人以既得为满足,是为幸福。 </P>

《薄伽梵往世书》8 </P>

One contented with what happens to him of itself is happy. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 祛除了一切杂念,制服了心性的人,宁静、沉着、知足,幸福无所不在。 </P>

《薄伽梵往世书》11 </P>

To one who has denuded himself of all lumber,subdued his mind, is tranquil, serene and contented, there is happiness everywhere. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 那有恒心、暖和并且忍耐的人,那避开恶行的人,那并不害人的人,那自制的、自由的人,能够得到天上的福乐。 </P>

《摩奴法典》4:246 </P>

He who is persevering, gentle and patient, who shuns men of evil conduct, who does not injury, is self-controlled and liberal-He who is of such conduct, obtains heavenly bless. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 幸福是可欲可求的。它是灵魂的秉性。追求美德和福利无不为了幸福。 </P>

美德是幸福的起源;其终结处就是幸福的获得。 </P>

《摩诃婆罗多》12·190:9 </P>

Happiness is desirable. It is an attribute of the soul. Both virtue and profit are sought for it. Virtue is origin of happiness; the end, the attainment of happiness. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 受苦比欢乐更有益于灵魂。 </P>

《佐哈尔》4:232 </P>

It benefits a soul more to suffer than to rejoice. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 生气却不要犯罪,不可含怒到日落。 </P>

《以弗所书》4:26 </P>

Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 易发怒的人,行事愚妄。 </P>

《箴言》14:17 </P>

A man of quick temper acts foolishly. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 恨,能挑启争端。 </P>

《箴言》10:12 </P>

Hatred stirs up strife. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不轻易发怒的,大有聪明。 </P>

《箴言》14:29 </P>

He who is slow to wrath, is of great understanding. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 回答柔和,使怒消退; </P>

言语暴戾,触动怒气。 </P>

《箴言》15:1 </P>

A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous word stir up anger. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 暴怒的人挑启争端; </P>

忍怒的人止息纷争。 </P>

《箴言》15:18 </P>

A wrathful man stirreth up strife; But he who is slow to anger, appeaseth strife. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 人有见识,就不轻易发怒,宽恕人的过失,便是自己的荣耀。 </P>

《箴言》19:11 </P>

The discretion of a man deferreth his anger, and it is his glory to pass over a transgression. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 贪恚如蛇毒,智者何由近? </P>

《佛所行赞经》11 </P>

Covetousness and anger are as the serpent’s poison; the wise man casts away. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 所有发怒的人都是骄傲的人。 </P>

《塔木德·科赫来拉巴赫》12:14 </P>

All men of anger are men of pride. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 怒气冲天的人说话似乎开水壶里溢出来的水。 </P>

《塔木德·科赫来拉巴赫》7:9 </P>

The angry man’s speech is like the water which iverflows from a boiling kettle. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 心中喜乐,面带笑脸; </P>

心中忧愁,灵被损伤。 </P>

《箴言》15:13 </P>

A glad heart makes a cheerful countenace, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 喜乐的心,乃是良药。 </P>

《箴言》17:22 </P>

A cheerful heart is a good medicine. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 心中的苦楚,自己知道; </P>

心里的喜乐,外人无干。 </P>

《箴言》14:10 </P>

The heart knows its own bitterness; </P>

and no stranger shares its joy. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 慧人以渐,安徐稍进, </P>

洗除心垢,如工炼金。 </P>

《法句经》26 </P>

Let a wise man remove impurities from himself even as a silversmith removes impurities from the silver: one after one, little by little, again and again. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 这就是人:心败坏了,所有的肢体也跟着败坏。 </P>

《巴哈依经典》432 </P>

This is man, when his heart becomes corrupted all the other limbs will be corrupted. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 凡一切众生,心与气交织, </P>

其内倘净化,性灵自辉赫。 </P>

《蒙查羯奥义书》Ⅲ·1:9 </P>

All mind is woven with the sense; </P>

but in a pure mind shines the light of the Self. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 要心灵保持和平清净;你真正的敌人是你浮躁的心。 </P>

《薄伽梵往世书》7 </P>

Keep your mind calm and serene; your own real enemy is your own rebellious mind. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 凡自高的,必降为卑; </P>

自卑的,必升为高。 </P>

《马太福音》23:12 </P>

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 人的高傲,必使他卑下; </P>

心里谦逊的,必得尊荣。 </P>

《箴言》29:23 </P>

A man’s pride will bring him low; but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 在所有人面前,都要谦虚。 </P>

《教父语录》4:12 </P>

Be humble before all man. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 有人纠正我们,要接受,不得恼怒。 </P>

《克雷芒致哥林多人一书》23:3 </P>

Let us receive correction, at which no man ought to repine. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0>惟有忍耐到底的必然得救。 </P>

《马太福音》24:13 </P>

He who endures to the end will be saved. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 常见自己过,与道即相当。 </P>

《坛经》36 </P>

If we always see our own mistakes, we will always be in accord with the Way. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 骄傲来,羞耻也来,谦逊的人却有聪明。 </P>

《箴言》11:2 </P>

When pride cometh, then cometh shame. But with the lowly is wisdom. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 骄傲的人有什么标志?他从不赞扬任何人。 </P>

《佐哈尔》4:193 </P>

What is the sign of a proud man? He never praises any one. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 一个人假如赞美自己,这便是他一无所知的标志。 </P>

《佐哈尔》4:193 </P>

If a man praises himself, it is a sign that he knows nothing. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 聪明是她头戴的王冠,谦逊是她足上的鞋子。 </P>

《塔木德·沙巴特》1:13 </P>

What wisdom places as a crown for her head, humility places as a sole for her feet. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 我不自称为善,也不看人为恶。 </P>

《贾卜吉》2 </P>

Neither do I call myself good nor I see any one bad. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 以出身自傲、以财富自傲、以家族自傲,看不起自己的亲友,这种人是毁灭的原因。 </P>

《经集》104 </P>

The man who proud of his birth, of his wealth, and of his family, despises his relatives,-that is the cause to the losing. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不要为自己追求尊荣。不要觊觎你的学识所不及的荣耀。不要妄念帝王的餐桌。 </P>

《塔木德·艾博特》6:4 </P>

Seek not greatness for yourself, covet not honor more than your learning, crave not for royal tables. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 我们要心存谦卑,把所有的骄傲、自满、愚蠢和怒气委诸一旁。 </P>

《克雷芒致哥林多人一书》13:1 </P>

Let us be lowly-minded, laying aside all arrogance and conceit and folly and anger. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不要按外貌断定是非, </P>

总要按公平断定是非。 </P>

《约翰福音》7:24 </P>

Do not judge by appearances, </P>

but judge with right judgement. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 为什么看见你弟兄眼中有刺,却不想自己眼中有梁木呢? </P>

《马太福音》7:3 </P>

Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你们不要论断人,就不要论断。 </P>

《路加福音》6:37 </P>

Judge not, and you will be not judged. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 今世的支撑是靠三件事:公义、真理与和平。 </P>

《塔木德·艾博特》1:7 </P>

By three things is the world sustained-justice, truth and peace. </P>


<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915848774.GIF" width=12 border=0> 多言多语难免有过,禁止嘴唇是有聪明。 </P>

《箴言》10:19 </P>

When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is prudent. </P>



坐片刻不分尔我 发表于 2011-2-23 00:08

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