<CENTER><IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 真知得自虔信。 </P>
《夜柔吠陀》19:30 </P>
By faith comes the knowledge of truth. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 虔信的人,言语不多,事功却多。 </P>
《塞克斯图格言》12:33 </P>
The faithful do not speak many words, but their works are numerous. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 在这世上,信仰是人的最宝贵财富。 </P>
《经集》182 </P>
Faith is the best wealth to a man here. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 有了信心,又要加上德行;有了德行,又要加上知识;有了知识,又要加上节制;有了节制,又要加上忍耐;有了忍耐,又要加上虔敬。 </P>
《彼得后书》1:6 </P>
Make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfast, and steadfast with godliness. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 信仰上最完美的信道者就是品德上最优秀的人。 </P>
《提尔米基圣训》10:11 </P>
The most perfect of the believers in faith is the best of them in moral excellence. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 信与爱乃是一切的一切,再没有比它们更让人优先选择了。 </P>
《依纳爵致士每那人书》6:1 </P>
Faith and love are all in all, and nothing is preferred before them. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 要记住父母的生育之恩,他们为你付出的一切你怎么偿还得了呢? </P>
《便西拉智训》7:28 </P>
Remember that through your parents you were born. </P>
And what can you give back to them that equals their gift to you? </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 放纵的儿子,使母亲羞愧。 </P>
《箴言》29:15 </P>
A child left to himself shame to his mother. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你们作丈夫的,要爱你们的妻子,不可苦待他们。 </P>
《歌罗西书》3:19 </P>
Husbands love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 在生育和教养方面,母亲和父亲所受痛苦,虽几百年也不足补偿。 </P>
《摩奴法典》2:227 </P>
The pains that their parents endure in giving birth and in the upbringing of offspring cannot be recompensed even in centuries. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 夫妇相得的每一个家庭中,永久幸福不渝。 </P>
《摩奴法典》3:60 </P>
Where the husband is ever satisfied with the wife and the wife with the husband, in that family, welfare is enduring. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 主妇应该总是高兴奋兴,善于料理家务,保持日常用具清洁,节省开支。 </P>
《摩奴法典》5:148 </P>
The housewife must always be joyous, adept at domestic work, keep her domestic wares clean, and be thrifty. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 临终时无儿无女,强过留下一群不孝子孙。 </P>
《便西拉智训》16:3 </P>
It is better to go to your grave with no children at all than to have children who are godless. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 大声喧哗的女人似乎一只冲锋号,谁娶了这样的女人为妻,谁就将在战乱中苦度岁月。 </P>
《便西拉智训》26:27 </P>
A loud-mouthed, talkative woman is like a trumpet sounding the signal of attack, and any man who has such a wife will spend his life at war. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 母亲怎样,女儿也怎样。 </P>
《以西结书》16:44 </P>
As the mother, so her daughter. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 真正的妻子乃是一个好主妇。 </P>
真正的妻子热爱她丈夫。 </P>
真正的妻子踏实于她的丈夫。 </P>
男人的一半是他的妻子。 </P>
妻子是丈夫最好的朋友。 </P>
《摩诃婆罗多》1·74:39 </P>
She is a true wife who is a good housewife. </P>
She is a true wife whose heart is devoted to her husband. </P>
She is a true wife who is faithful to her husband. </P>
A man’s half is his wife. </P>
The wife is her husband’s best of friends. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 找对象之难,有如将红海之水劈开一般。 </P>
《塔木德·索塔赫》2:17 </P>
Mating is as hard as the cleaving of the waters of the Red Sea. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你应当暖和地原谅众人。 </P>
《古兰经》15:85 </P>
Do thou forgive with kindly forgiveness. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 发怒时,要能赦宥。 </P>
《古兰经》42:37 </P>
When angry, forgive. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你们要饶恕人,就必蒙饶恕。 </P>
《路加福音》6:37 </P>
Forgive, and you will be forgive. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 宽恕必能制怒。 </P>
《摩诃婆罗多》5·39:73 </P>
Anger must be conquered by forgiveness. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你的仇敌若饿了,就给他吃饭;若渴了,就给他水喝。 </P>
《箴言》25:21 </P>
If your enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, water to drink! </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 以宽恕征服怒气。以老实征服邪恶。 </P>
以慷慨征服吝啬。以真理征服虚假。 </P>
《摩诃婆罗多》5·39:73 </P>
Anger must be conquered by forgiveness.And the wicked must be conquered by honesty. </P>
The miser must be conquered by liberality. And falsehood must be conquered by truth. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 要以恩慈相待,存怜悯的心,彼此饶恕。 </P>
《以弗所书》4:32 </P>
Be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 智者不论强壮软弱与否,即便身处逆境,也会宽恕那迫害他的人。 </P>
《摩诃婆罗多》3·29:13 </P>
A wise man, whether he be strong or weak, even if he is in difficulty, should always forgive his persecutor. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 假如全人类中无人行宽恕之道,那末人类就无和平可言。 </P>
《摩诃婆罗多》3·29:25 </P>
If there were not persons amongst mankind equal to the earth in forgiveness, there would be no peace amongst them. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 弟兄和睦同居,是何等地善,何等地美! </P>
《诗篇》133:1 </P>
How good and how pleasant it is that brethren dwell together! </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 与污秽者为伍,自己也得污秽;与洁净者相伴,自己也得洁净。 </P>
《塔木德·凯里姆》12:12 </P>
Who consorts with the unclean becomes himself unclean; who cinsorts with clean is cleansed. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 爱弟兄,要彼此亲热;恭敬人,要彼此推让。 </P>
《罗马书》12:10 </P>
Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love, in honor preferring one another. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 愿在所有人眼里我都是朋友! </P>
愿在我眼里所有人都是朋友! </P>
愿我们在各人眼里都是朋友。 </P>
《夜柔吠陀》36:18 </P>
May all beings regard me with the eye of a friend! </P>
May I regard all beings with the eye of a friend! </P>
With the eye of a friend do we regard one another. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 勿羞辱和攻击别人。 </P>
勿与朋友争吵。 </P>
勿与卑鄙小人结交。 </P>
《摩诃婆罗多》5·36:6 </P>
Do not humiliate and insult others. </P>
Quarrel not with friends. </P>
Abstain from companionship with those vile and low. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 哦,人们哪!不要在人群里播撒纷争的种子,也不要与你的邻人争斗。 </P>
《巴哈安拉作品集粹》131 </P>
Sow not, O people, the seeds of dissension amongst men, and contend not with your neighbor. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 倨傲自大的人朋友少,敌人多。 </P>
《聪明之灵杂说》21:40 </P>
The friends of him who is an arrogant man are few, and his enemies many. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你的仇敌跌倒,你不要欢喜;他倾倒,你的心不要快乐。 </P>
《箴言》24:17 </P>
Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你施舍的时候,不要叫左手知道右手所作的;要叫你施舍的事行在暗中。 </P>
《马太福音》6:3-4 </P>
When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alm may be in secret. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 行布施出乎真心,不期回报,且要适人、适时、适地,此之谓纯净布施。 </P>
《薄伽梵歌》17:20 </P>
A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 施比受更为有福。 </P>
《使徒行传》20:35 </P>
It is more blessed to give than to receive. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 扔掉路上的障碍物也算施舍。 </P>
《布哈里圣训》46:24 </P>
Removal from the way of that which is harmful is charity. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 件件善行,都是施舍。每与兄弟相遇,和颜悦色待之,是善行;把水从你桶里注入兄弟的桶内也是善举。 </P>
《米什喀特圣训》6:6 </P>
Every good deed is charity, and it is a good deed that thou meet thy brother with a cheerful countenance and that thou pour water from thy bucket into the vessel of thy brother. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你们要相互赠予礼品,因为礼品能够消解积怨。 </P>
《提尔米基圣训》12:17 </P>
Give gifts to one another, for gifts take away rancour. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 水能扑灭火焰,施舍则能补偿罪孽。 </P>
《便西拉智训》3:30 </P>
Water will quench a flame and almsgiving atone for sins. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 叫你家的房门大开,叫那些穷人成为你的家人。 </P>
《塔木德·艾博特》1:5 </P>
Let your home wide open and the needy be members of your household. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 假如你在贫穷的时候就乐善好施,你在富有的时候亦会慷慨济人;假如你在富有的时候不愿施舍,那末,因为贫穷就更不会施舍了。 </P>
《塔木德·坦户玛导言》123 </P>
If you give to charity while you are poor, you will eventually give in days of wealth; if you do not give while you are rich, you will eventually abstain from giving because of poverty. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 为济贫而受穷,你不要在乎。 </P>
《佐哈尔》4:206 </P>
Neglect not thine own poor in order to give to others who are poor. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915852413.GIF" width=12 border=0> 有施散的,却更增添;有吝惜过度的,反致贫乏。好施舍的,必得丰裕;滋润人心的,必得滋润。 </P>
《箴言》11:24 </P>
There is that scattereth, and yet increaseeth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. </P></CENTER>
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