<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 善行带来朋友;恶行招致敌手。 </P>《塔木德·伊迪约特》5:6 </P>
Thy good couduct will make thee friends, but thy evil conduct will make thee enemies. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 躬身自省者自我得益。 </P>
《塔木德·威克拉拉巴赫》9:3 </P>
He who ponders upon his conduct brings much good to himself. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 人不因心中恶念而受罚。但是他的善报,不仅要看他的善行,还要看他的善念。 </P>
《佐哈尔》1:121 </P>
A man is not punished for evil which he intends to commit. But for his good deeds he re-ceives reward, not only for what he has done, but also consideration for what he intended to do. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 善行的实践者,在孩提时代就会有所显露。 </P>
《宗教审判》42:7 </P>
Of men who are practisers of good deeds the manifestation is then in their children. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 种种义务和善功,都要奉行,今日能完成的,不可拖延到明日。 </P>
《百事论》81:1 </P>
Every duty and good work, which it is requisite to perform, they should accomplish while within that day, and not postpone for the tommorrow. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 有信仰,爱人,和善,说话公义,坚持真理,忍耐;人的生命中再没有比这些更好的。 </P>
《赫马牧人书·训诫之八》 </P>
There is faith, love, concord, words of righteousness, truth, patience; nothing is better than these in the life on men. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你们要谨慎,无论是谁都不可以恶报恶。或是彼此相待,或是待众人,常要追求良善。 </P>
《帖撒罗尼迦前书》5:15 </P>
See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves and to all men. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 凡事都有定期,天下万物都有定时。 </P>
《传道书》3:1 </P>
For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 心怀二意的人,在他一切所行的路上都没有定见。 </P>
《雅各书》1:8 </P>
A doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 勿与愚人议事,因他不能保守所议之事。 </P>
《便西拉智训》8:17 </P>
Consult not with a fool, for he cannot keep counsel. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 人永远不要看不起自己,因为轻视自我的人决不会获得辉煌的成就。 </P>
《摩诃婆罗多》10·32:57 </P>
A man should never despise himself; For, brilliant success never attends on the man who is contemned by himself. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你们要明白时间的价值,因为你不可能再见它一次,也不可能遭遇相似的机会。 </P>
《巴哈依经典》237 </P>
Appreciate the value of the time, for thou shalt never see it again, nor shalt thou find a like opportunity. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不要叫机会从你的把握中失落;不要荒废了你的时光。 </P>
《巴哈依经典》473 </P>
Do not allow the opportunity to fall from your grasp; and spend not your time uselessly. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不要为明天忧虑,因为明天自有明天的忧虑。 </P>
《马太福音》6:34 </P>
Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 人种的是什么,收的也是什么。 </P>
《加拉太书》6:7 </P>
A man reaps what he sows. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 谁是富有的?为自己的命运而欣喜的人。 </P>
《塔木德·艾博特》4:1 </P>
Who is rich? He who rejoices in his lot. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你们要为自己选择正义,以及良好的生活。 </P>
《以诺书》93:4 </P>
Choose for yourself righteousness, and a good life. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 要相信你自己的判定,任何人的意见都不十分可靠。 </P>
《便西拉智训》37:13 </P>
Trust your own judgement; no one’s advice is more reliable. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 你们不要顺从私欲,以致偏私。 </P>
《古兰经》4:135 </P>
You shall not follow your personal desires, lest you deviate. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 贪爱银子的,不因得银子知足;贪爱丰富的,也不因得利益知足。 </P>
《传道书》5:10 </P>
He who loves money will not be satisfied with money; nor he who loves wealth with gain. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 心中贪婪的,挑起争端。 </P>
《箴言》28:25 </P>
A greedy man stirs up strife. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 一个人或许承受得了苦行,但不能征服愤怒;一个人或许有聪明,但却褊狭;其实,一个人可能是高尚的,然而同时也是欲望的俘虏。 </P>
《薄伽梵往世书》8 </P>
One may do penance but not have conquered anger; one may have knowledge without detachment; indeed a man may be great, but all the same be a prey to desire. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 物质的利益和欲望,永无餍足;此之谓贪婪。 </P>
《薄伽梵往世书》8 </P>
With material gains and desires, there is no satisfaction; such is avarice. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 切莫落入你的贪欲之手! </P>
《便西拉智训》6:2 </P>
Do not fall into the hands of your desires! </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 学先自正,然后正人。 </P>
《法句经》20 </P>
Let each man direct himself first to what is proper, then let him teach others. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 谁是聪明人呢?是那向每一个人学习的人。 </P>
《教父语录》4:1 </P>
Who is wise? He that learn from every man. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不要说:等我有空闲时我就读书,恐怕你是不会有空闲的! </P>
《塔木德·艾博特》2:4 </P>
Say not: when I have leisure I will study, lest you may not have it! </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不作恶,则恶必不降临于你。 </P>
《便西拉智训》7:1 </P>
Do no evil, and evil will never befall you. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 远离恶便是聪明。 </P>
《约伯记》28:28 </P>
To depart from evil is understanding. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 贪财是万恶之根。 </P>
《提摩太前书》6:10 </P>
The love of money is the root of all evils. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 火莫热于淫,捷莫热于怒。 </P>
《法句经》26 </P>
There is no fire like lust, and no chains like those of hate. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 以恶报善的,祸患必不离他的家。 </P>
《箴言》17:13 </P>
If a man returns evil for good, evil will not depart from his house. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 行一个小蚂蚁重的善事者,将见其善根;作一个小蚂蚁重的恶事者,将见其恶报。 </P>
《古兰经》99:8 </P>
Whoever has done a atom’s weight of good shall see it, and whoever has done an atom’s weight of evil shall see it also. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 时常行善而无过错的义人,世上实在没有。 </P>
《传道书》7:20 </P>
Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不要以恶报恶。 </P>
《罗马书》12:17 </P>
Repay no one evil for evil. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不要互相憎恨,不要互相嫉妒,也不要互相抵制;要像兄弟一样,作安拉的仆人。 </P>
《布哈里圣训》78:57 </P>
Do not hate one another and do not be jealous of one another and do not boycott one another, and be servants of Allah as brethren. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不得欺侮身体残疾的人、无知的人、上年岁的人、貌丑的人、穷人以及出身微贱的人。 </P>
《摩奴法典》4:141 </P>
One must not insult those of deformed limbs, the uneducated, the old or the ugly, the poor and the lowly. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 无耻之徒,必下地狱。 </P>
《塔木德·艾博特》5:20 </P>
The shameless are bound for hell. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 不可随众行恶! </P>
《出埃及记》23:2 </P>
Do not side with the majority to do wrong! </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 恶人的道似乎幽暗,自己不知因什么跌倒。 </P>
《箴言》4:19 </P>
The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they know not over what they stumble. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 所有的邪道意味着死亡。所有的老实意味着永生。 </P>
《摩诃婆罗多》12·79:21 </P>
All sorts of crookedness mean death. All sorts of sincerity all called the Eternal. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 要离恶行善,寻求和睦,一心追赶。 </P>
《诗篇》34:14 </P>
Turn away from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 邪念开始是甜美的,结果却是苦涩的。 </P>
《塔木德·沙巴特》14:3 </P>
The Evil Impulse is sweet in the beginning and bitter in the end. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 邪念如同一块酵母。酵母放在面团里,整块面团就发酵了。恶念也是如此。 </P>
《佐哈尔》2:263 </P>
The Evil Impulse is like a cake of yeast. The yeast is placed at one spot in the dough, but it ferments throughout it. The Evil Impulse does likewise. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 悔过的形式有高低之分。假如一个人悔过而不再作恶,此为低级形式的悔过。假如他悔过而追求行善,此为高级形式的悔过。 </P>
《佐哈尔》4:123 </P>
There is a higher and a lower form of penitence. If a man repents of his evil deeds and ceases to do them again, his penitence is a lower form. If he repents of his evil deeds and then strives to perform good deeds, his penitence is a higher type. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 一个人所作的恶事,哪怕只比他所作的善功重一根眼睫毛,他也必下地狱。 </P>
《百事论》2:3 </P>
If such be the quantity of sin that the sin is one filament of the eyelashes more in weight than the good works are, that person arrives in hell. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 勿以罪小而为之。 </P>
《百事论》2:5 </P>
Even if a sin be trifling it is not desirable to commit it. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 切莫羡慕罪犯的得逞,因为他们的末日尚未可知。 </P>
《便西拉智训》9:11 </P>
Envy not the glory of a sinner; for you know not what shall be his end. </P>
<IMG height=12 src="/xlwk/UploadFiles_8863/200610/200610915855907.GIF" width=12 border=0> 我们行事为人是凭着信心,不是凭着眼见。 </P>
《哥林多后书》5:7 </P>
We walk by faith, not by sight. </P>
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