六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com
六爻同盟算算系统 ss.6yao.com
一个孩子的心声 Words from a Child
我们可爱的动物朋侪们These are the examples of what should be 无论是身在陆地上、天空中或海洋里 The life of our friends, sweet animals, 他们的生存应该像如许 Be it on land, on air or in the sea. 他们应该被疼爱、被掩护、被爱护They should be loved, protected and cherished 过着一如我们人类所憧憬的生存 Just like the life that we so wish.
最酷爱的上天,酷爱的因果教主 Dearest Heaven, Dear Lord of Karma 请疼爱并关怀全部的生命 Please do love and care for all creatures 眼见他们的处境,我会心碎 For it breaks my hearts to see their plight. 眼见他们受苦,我难以忍耐 I cannot bear to see them suffer.
天国上面有很多住所 There’re plenty places in Heaven above 请把他们全部带上去,并且恩赐他们爱 Take them all up, and give them love. 这是我为全部众生做的小小的祷告 This is my little prayer for all beings.
只要您的一点爱心慈悲 Just your little Love and Compassion. 愿众生都将幸福、寂静共存 May all be well, live and let live. 愿众生得享圣爱、关怀与宽恕 All Love, all care and all forgive.